energy star air conditioning

About Energy Star Ratings: Katy Needs to Know!

Why We Offer ENERGY STAR Products ENERGY STAR® is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. We offer ENERGY STAR-qualified products that are built […]

We Provide Top Air Conditioning Brands to Katy Families

What air conditioner brand is “right” for Katy Families? Pretty much everyone in Katy has heard of “Murphy’s Law,” which basically says: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” This can be especially true once warmer weather hits our […]

Energy Efficiency in Katy, TX: The Experts Weigh In

What is the most energy efficient HVAC decision you can make for your home? Air conditioning units use a great amount of energy… and your electricity bill proves it every month. Costs go up drastically during the summer months, and […]