What air conditioner brand is “right” for Katy Families? Pretty much everyone in Katy has heard of “Murphy’s Law,” which basically says: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” This can be especially true once warmer weather hits our […]
Energy Efficiency in Katy, TX: The Experts Weigh In
What is the most energy efficient HVAC decision you can make for your home? Air conditioning units use a great amount of energy… and your electricity bill proves it every month. Costs go up drastically during the summer months, and […]
Cleaning Your Duct System: Why It Matters in Katy, TX
Why Cleaning Your Ducts Saves Money and Improves Your Quality of Life Although it is easy to miss, your duct may be telling you something. It may be emitting small amounts of dust every time you use your home’s heating […]
Summertime HVAC Check Up for Katyites
While it’s easy to forget our air conditioner when the weather is nice, the inevitable summertime heat will soon be upon every family in Katy, TX! Don’t get caught with a faulty air conditioning unit! There is no reason why […]
Energy Efficiency: Is Bigger Better in Katy, TX?
Bigger Isn’t Always Better When It Comes To Your Air Conditioner This summer, we’ll be heading out to the deck to grill or swim. Our kids will constantly be running in and out of the house. The trick is to […]
Summer Is On The Way, Katyites! Is Your HVAC System Ready?
We Know Southeast Texas Like a Katy A/C Repair Business Should! With summer approaching, it’s a good idea to prepare ahead, just in case your air conditioning system needs repairs. The last thing you want is to be caught without […]
Your Katy A/C Specialist
We are Local… and We Care About Our Customers Whenever we have the opportunity to share information about air conditioning and energy efficiency, rest assured we’ll post it! Our customers are particularly interested in cost savings, energy efficiency and reliable […]